Friday, March 28, 2014

Tips For Sixpack

ANATOMYSix separate abdominal muscles muscle does not occur. Look what you see , one of the connective tissue, and muscle mass is divided into six . The underlying muscle and connective tissue How do you run into her field , the most important factor that determines the appearance of the diamond .

STOPCredit card is like having to constantly break when you bend your spine injuries can lead to a variety of continuous flexing . So to strengthen your abdominal muscles to support your spine . Again, these muscles use to fix your posture .

MOTIONAlthough popular movements such as Crunch , abdominal muscles are not designed to jostled this way . Your lumbar region of motion is limited. Central region carefully from every angle in order to run " 24 Hours Plan " section browse.

NUTRITIONTo get rid of fat hiding your abdominal muscles healthy your diet is essential. "Pizza is a must for me ! " If you say , you're right . Fat and carbohydrate -rich foods, increases satiety hormone leptin secretion ; energy filling your tank . Healthy pizza recipes on the following pages .

EXERCISERun your abdominal muscles and the muscles around many of the exercises , abdominal exercises do not count . Judging on research exercises such as chin ups, and farmer's walk quite active in the abdominal region is running. Other pages in the " Supporting Cast " precisely for this article .

You do not need to GYM

Only three movement can strengthen your entire body and can burn fat by speeding up your metabolism. The only equipment you need is a medicine ball that much.

If you're determined, and as we always say, if you right in your hand if you have a training program to the gym, you can get fit in without spending tons of money. The following programs have been designed to provide it. The program is focused on the central region of the main muscle groups. However, if you keep moving in the arms fully stretched abdominal muscles, shoulders and biceps muscles together with an effective way would have run. Following the first set of movements without a break, do a tour event. Make three or four round total. Rest one minute between each round.

Straight Arms Rotation

Standing on your right foot and a medicine ball in front of you, hold your arms to be stretched. Break your left knee to 90 degrees and keep coming top of the leg parallel to the ground. , Holding your arms rotate your body to the right and then turn towards the other side. Repeat this 10 times total and then do the same on the other leg.

Single Leg Squat Chop Over

Standing on your left foot and a medicine ball in the air on the left side, hold your left shoulder. Whether your arms fully stretched. Place closer to your body by doing squat and medicine ball towards the outside of your right foot facility. Sit back quickly and then return to the starting position. After 10 repetitions of the same movement towards the other side of the structure.


Lunge Lift


 If two knees are broken at 90 degrees, place your right knee to be taken in the lunge position. Medicine ball will be stretched on the ground with your arms hold true. Straighten up and lift the medicine ball above your head. Right leg parallel to the floor so that your upper legs hold up. Pauses for a second and then slowly return to starting position. Do 10 reps on each side.


Thursday, March 27, 2014


Here are 7 days sixpack obeying the rules of the diet designed, one-week meal program. This program can change the location of the recipe or the entire program can apply for a single day during the week. This is a matter entirely up to you. This program does not need to be very tightly bound, also a very fun addition to being flexible ...


B • 1 large glass ' Smoothie ' ( 7 days a special diet drink baklava - 225-340 grams) )

' Smoothie ' materials
• 1 cup skim milk• 2 tablespoons yogurt diet• ¾ cup of oatmeal ready retted• 2 teaspoons peanut butter• 2 teaspoons of chocolate protein powder• 6 pieces of broken ice floe1 serving 56 to 225 grams

Per serving nutritional value of smoothie
• 220 Calories• 12 grams of protein• 29 grams of carbohydrates• 4 g fat ( 1.5 ounces)• 3 grams of fiber• 118 milligrams of sodium

1. refection
• 2 teaspoons peanut butter• Raw vegetables ( as you like )


• Whole wheat bread turkey or beef sandwich consisting of• 1 cup skim milk• 1 apple

2. refection
• 30 grams almonds• 1 ½ cups berries


• ' Mas Macho Meatballs '' Mas Macho Meatballs ' materials ( 4 persons)
• 1 pound extra-lean ground beef• ½ cup crushed saltine crackers• 1 large onion Sliced• 1 clove garlic, minced• 1 tablespoon of flax seed or protein powder• 1 jar of tomato juice ( 455 grams)• ½ cup sliced ​​half-fat mozzarella cheese' Preparation of Mas Macho Köftesi
Ground beef, crackers, onion, garlic and flax seed or protein powder to form golf ball- sized balls in the mix. Heat your non-stick grill pan and brown the meatballs on all sides until the fry. Grilled accumulated in the oil , add the tomato sauce poured . The mixture is warming up meatballs dipping fork to ensure that they cook more quickly . After cook, stirring while serving on the grate mozzarella cheese .
Per serving Mas Macho ' nutritional value of Köftesi
• 569 Calories• 38 grams of protein• 65 grams of carbohydrates• 19 grams fat ( 6 grams saturated )• 10 grams of fiber• 1,341 mg sodium3 refection
• 225-350 grams ' Smoothie '

Workout Legs For BIGGER ARMS

How long muscled arms of sprinters have noticed that. Moreover, these athletes can not run with almost no arm muscles. The most important muscles for a runner's performance lower body muscles and central muscles. Therefore, many runners do biceps curls or triceps extension exercises strengthen the leg muscles instead focuses on movements naturally. Well, then how to handle these guys looks so muscular? The secret lies in the strong legs. Do squat exercises regularly contributes to the body's overall muscle development. People taking part in a study to prove it, just squat exercises of the arm could not believe how powerful that even themselves.

The Secret Hidden in Hormone

 If you are still not convinced I'd say this, enter a bother to Google, and a look into the arms of Usain Bolt. After you do this, you more believable What you will read in this research. Leg exercises at the gym doing exercises instead of the chest or arm, or if you are recently pass these exercises, now it's time to change some things are finished.

Bu konuda yapılan bir araştırma anabolik hormonlardaki (testosteron, büyüme hormonu) gelişmelerin gücünüzü artırdığını gösteriyor. Araştırmada kullanılan antrenmanda 10-12 tekrardan 3 set squat yapılmış ve dinlenme süreleri 1’er dakika tutulmuş. Çünkü bu çalışma sisteminin anabolik hormon seviyesinin yükselmesi için ideal olduğu saptanmış. Danimarkalı araştırmacılar bu hızlı anabolik hormon artışının kas gücüne herhangi bir etkisi olup olmadığını merak etmişler. Bunun için bir gruba sadece biceps curl hareketi (4 set-12 tekrar) yaptırılmış ve set aralarında bir buçuk dakika dinlenmişler. Diğer grup ise hem kol hem bacak egzersizleri yapmış. İlk grubun yaptığı kol çalışmasının aynısını yapan grup, sonra da leg-press (4 set-10 tekrar) hareketiyle çalışmasını bitirmiş. İki grupta dokuz hafta boyunca kendi programlarını uyguladıktan sonra sonuçlar karşılaştırılmış. Sadece kol çalışanlarda büyüme hormonu seviyesinde bir değişiklik gözlemlenmezken, kol ve bacak çalışan grupta artışa rastlanmış. En önemli sonuç ise bacak gibi büyük kas gruplarının çalıştırılmasıyla büyüme hormonu ve testosteron seviyesinin yükselmesi.  

How Much Life Much Hormone

 In fact, this research increase in hormone levels, muscle strength not establish a connection between the first survey. For example, a study conducted previously in individuals with high blood growth hormone training program for training of these individuals were examined and many more muscle fibers were seen running movements of their choice.

Growth hormone testosterone outside the focus of this research is taking place. In a study conducted by the British, in weight training with more muscle fiber activation increase in the level of testosterone have been shown to provide.

Meanwhile, increase in the level of growth hormone and testosterone on muscle tissue for only a short period of time is useful to note that the effect.

So you are running leg muscles for a few days during the lifetime of the hormone will be high testeostero he's not a rule. But one thing is certain, however, that the stronger leg will be highly beneficial for the development of the upper body.

* Run leg muscles increases growth hormone and testosterone levels.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Vikings Workout Routine - Train Like A Viking

Do you wonder how do vikings workout?

Do you want to be a Viking? 

Firstly, you should train like them.

Use the programme belong 3 times a week, 1 or 2 day rest after each workout day.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Tom Hopper, to ignite your metabolism each morning following training is applied. Repeat until you can do in 20 minutes. Of rest between movements.



Open your feet shoulder-width apart. Switch to the squat position. Put your hands on the ground. Get your feet pushing the push-up position. Return to squat. Quickly on your feet. Repeat 10 times.



That you opened a little more than shoulder width apart with your hands, grasp the pull-up bar in the top grip. Please hang at arm's length. Pull the bar to your chest, pause and return to the starting position. Repeat five times.



 Get every two dumbbells in your hand. Threw a step forward with your left foot, closer to the ground as much as you can. Then jump. Make your feet in the air spring movement. Right foot on the ground when you get ahead. Repeat 10 times.



Raise your shoulders right next to a pair of dumbbells. Your palms get a look inside. Squat structure. Dumbbells up while lifting your head and you stand up. Return to the starting position. Repeat 10 times.



Monday, March 24, 2014

The Best Cardio Workout; RUNNING

Cardio exercise has a completely different place in the race. After 30 minutes of treadmill running 350-400 calories (varies depending on a person's metabolism) can spend. Of course you can move up this value if you run right. Here was jogging on ab techniques that will enable you to run longer.

1. Keep your body upright

On the treadmill must be careful not to tilt your body forward. Band already pulls your feet backward. Your mission is to recover from foot drop in support of the band are. Tape Before you return your feet you must remove your feet from the ground.

2. Cool-down is important

This is the most overlooked one of the points cardio workout, your body physiologically and psychologically to return to normal values ​​cool-down section of the treadmill sessions play an important role. Five to ten minutes made ​​a run at a slower pace and after the stretching exercises you do will relax your muscles.

3. Pay attention to your knees  

Legs while running on the treadmill in no time at all should not tense situation. Notice for always running knees to be broken. What yourself nor your legs under you belt flowing to bring the tense situation allow.

4. Do not throw your feet stand out more  

Your feet get ahead just a bit more than the level of your legs. Already running beneath your stride length will determine your band.

5. Don't run with zero slope

 Run on the treadmill to your destination, even if on a flat surface, set between 1-3 percent slope. In this way, he ran outdoors on flat ground and it will not let conditions.